Bones, Bones and even more Bones!
But how does this make sense? Let's figure it out! Since babies grow, their bodies grow too. This means "baby’s bones will fuse together, which means the actual number of bones will decrease"(James Roland). By understanding this we know that overtime a baby's body would eventually stop growing which would be around in their young adulthood age (Late 20's).
In the video "The Skeleton Book: Why does a baby have more bones than an adult?" explains exactly what the title tells. Which tells how baby bones are fused together as they get older. Also, the doctor within this video explains that baby bones aren't actually real bones but mostly made of cartilage.
To take another look at this video, we can see that this video appeal would be a type of friendly and informative aspect. Another thing to note would be that the target audience of this would be healthcare students. To explain a little bit more the scenes within the two minutes of this visual show a doctor and a display of a skeleton model. Which can make a good impact on what we are learning within the visual.

In my personal opinion, I can stand by this fact since I do have younger brothers. I remember a time where one of them fell by accident and they recovered really quickly. Rather than one of my friends who also broke one their arms took many months.
“7 Ways Kid Bones Are Different From Adult Bones | Children's Healthcare of Atlanta.” Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, Accessed 25 Feb. 2020.
Roland, James. “How Many Bones Are Babies Born With and Why Do They Have More Than Adults?” Healthline, Healthline Media, 26 June 2019, /health/how-many-bones-does-a-baby-have. Accessed 25 Feb. 2020.
“The Skeleton Book: Why Does a Baby Have More Bones than an Adult?” YouTube, Accessed 10 Mar. 2020.
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